Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Life (As of the Past Two Weeks)

Bang, Bang, You're Dead went pretty well. Although the crowds were small, everyone seemed to like it - except for my brothers. The Sunday after our family went out to eat at Bob Evans to celebrate my sister and I participating in Beauty and the Beast. It was a very enjoyable time, I must say.

The week went by rather quickly, and I don't remember much of what happened, except for feelings of excitement and then a feeling of being abandoned and then a feeling of being angry. I couldn't wait for prom, and to put on my dress and have my cousin come down from Michigan and do my hair. Ladies and gentlemen, after waiting a very long time, I will now reveal to you my prom dress for the 2008 Otsego Senior Prom:

Ta-da! I chose the white one. I punk'd a lot of people since a good majority of my friends were convinced I chose the blue one. Still, they all thought I looked nice. Although I cannot speak for everybody, I had an amazing time at prom. I went to my friend's house for more pictures after this one was taken, then we drove to another friend's house for more pictures, then that friend drove all of us (there was another friend and her date in the car) to the place where our prom was being held. Everyone looked so beautiful in their dresses and tuxes, and nobody was being catty and the atmosphere was positive and lively. The food was really good, and so was the cake. The DJ could have played fewer rap songs, but I sort of expected that. I danced with several guys - most of them had dates but didn't seem to care that they were dancing with me. Prom ended at eleven thirty, and we went back to my second friend's house so we could get changed for post prom and all drive separately to the high school. Post prom was all right, even though I spent more time eating and less time doing the activities. I didn't get home until almost 4:30, and I was out within minutes.

The Monday and Tuesday following prom were nice, because I was still receiving compliments about how pretty I looked in my dress. On Wednesday I met with a PSEOP person at BGSU, and I should be finding out today whether or not I made it into their English Department for next year. Yesterday was our reading auction at school, and even though I didn't get the things I wanted, I did receive a lot of fun and random things, which was more fun winning with my little mafia than trying to win it alone. I also got a haircut last night. It is a lot shorter, but I like it, and I hope my friends like it, too. I am now doing a project for somebody, although the individual is not aware of it, but it's going to require a lot of time, and that is what I will be doing most of today, along with cleaning the house. I look forward to it.

That is all.

Thank you and good day.

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