After being trapped in college land for three fairly successful semesters and forgetting my own password to my blog, I will once again try and bring alive my flat-lined blog. Allow me to recap the last 11 months of my life.
Marching band continued on through the rest of the fall semester. The halftime shows became more challenging but also brought pride after each performance. I love my family of saxophones and the memories I've made with them all will last for a lifetime. As King Leonidas sort of once said, "Saxophones! What is your profession?" Haha we are a quirky section, but we're lovable nonetheless.
I also made friends that I cannot imagine my life without. One of my newer friends is named Eddie, whom I somehow befriended on that day I went to work in the band office the first time - I believe that's the last time I posted a blog. Eddie encouraged me to attend the informational meetings of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, the honorary band fraternities and sororities at BGSU. Eventually, I received a bid from Kappa Kappa Psi, the Fraternity, and eventually eventually, Eddie became my Big Brother. A few short months later, through several more hours in the band office, a short but sweet girl named Beth became my Big Sister. Then, in January, I became an active Brother in Kappa Kappa Psi. Now I work in the band office every chance I get... but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I grew to despise my job more and more in the spring semester. Tuesdays through Thursdays I got up at 5AM, left my house no later than 6AM to arrive on campus by 6:30AM and begin work at 7AM. On Tuesday nights I had class till 9:30 at night, on Wednesday nights I had my meetings till 10 or 11, and Thursdays I had class till 8:30. My hours of sleep were few. This fall semester isn't looking too promising either, with a Sunday night shift from 8PM-2:30AM every week, and an 8:30AM class on Mondays. Oh well, such is life until I find a better job I actually enjoy.
Life also threw a personal curve ball; in mid-December my mother was diagnosed with Stage II Breast Cancer. Through several rounds of chemo therapy and several days of radiation treatment, my mom is finally nearing the light to this tunnel. She's a strong woman, I hope I aspire to be half as strong as she is.
The same day I found out my mom had cancer was the same day the marching band found out they weren't going to the bowl game at the end of the year. Over the next few days the university managed to find money to take the leadership and the seniors to the bowl game as well as 10 lucky people whose names were drawn from a small plastic bin. To my greatest luck, I was the second to last name drawn. A few days later 10 more lucky band kids were chosen, and together we represented The Falcon Express at the 2009 Humanitarian Bowl in Boise, Idaho. The four hour flight there and back was rather unpleasant, and the Idaho Vandals are incredibly immature, but with those exceptions the trip was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that made me so much more grateful that I chose to join the Falcon Marching Band.
I also did the annual summer musical, this year's was Oklahoma! and was probably one of the best times I've had doing a summer show. Maybe it was the outstanding cast or the lack of children in the show, either way I had a great time and made some new friends and strengthened my current friendships.
Now, here I am, sitting in the living room, typing on my laptop while half-watching a Wipeout rerun when I should be studying for a Spanish final. Now that I know my password to this blog, maybe it'll be easier to put down my daily ramblings. We'll see as my summer winds down and the school year starts up.
That is all.
Thank you and good night.
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