Thursday, March 3, 2011


February flew by, bringing with it a multitude of snow and ice and even a shred of 60 degree weather. Quite a month, I must say.

To start off, I am proud to say that my Little Brother Chelsea is officially Active in Kappa Kappa Psi and my Little Sister Ashley is officially Active in Tau Beta Sigma. And Eddie did make it to Third Degree, which made me the happiest Little Brother imaginable.

I've gone apartment hunting with some people, and as of now it looks like we'll be signing a lease for Mercer Manor after spring break. I'm looking forward to it.

Spring break officially begins for me the moment I get out of my Spanish class tomorrow. Yay.

Did I mention my mind is all over the place and I'm really tired? That's why this post is much shorter than I had anticipated. I apologize for my brief visit, but at least you all know I'm still alive.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.