Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Crossing my Fingers

No, I have not abandoned the blog, I've just been really busy.

To recap since my last posting, I'm an official senior now. The Otsego Class of 2008 graduated on June 2nd, moving up my class, the Class of 2009, as the top dog of our school. As scary as that sounds, I look forward to being a senior. My fellow band seniors and I have great plans for next year, most of them involving gifts to our teachers. It will definitely be the time to make the most of everything, and I cannot wait.

I am also looking for employment. I've applied to four different places out of six, and hopefully someone will call me this week. I could really use the money for a few upcoming expenses, as well as a little more green in my wallet, so having a job would be really beneficial right now.

Tomorrow the band will be going to Cedar Point, as will I. While I'm not a big fan of roller coasters, I know I will enjoy hanging out with my friends. The week of June 15th I will be at Drum Major Camp, this year at Walsh University. Meghan, Carissa and I will all be going since there are three of us who will be conducting the marching band this fall. The week after I will be in Nebraska for the International Thespian Conference, since I am the State Student Officer for the Northwest Ohio Area of the Ohio Education Theatre Association Board Chapter or something like that. I'm not looking forward to flying there... but it should be fun no matter what, even if I won't know anybody there.

Then in July I will be performing in the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. We're kind of off to a slow start right now, but we'll pull through as usual. I hope...

I also hate the economy and am now solely convinced it is going to Hell. Other than that I don't believe I have anything else of mild interest to say.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Life (As of the Past Two Weeks)

Bang, Bang, You're Dead went pretty well. Although the crowds were small, everyone seemed to like it - except for my brothers. The Sunday after our family went out to eat at Bob Evans to celebrate my sister and I participating in Beauty and the Beast. It was a very enjoyable time, I must say.

The week went by rather quickly, and I don't remember much of what happened, except for feelings of excitement and then a feeling of being abandoned and then a feeling of being angry. I couldn't wait for prom, and to put on my dress and have my cousin come down from Michigan and do my hair. Ladies and gentlemen, after waiting a very long time, I will now reveal to you my prom dress for the 2008 Otsego Senior Prom:

Ta-da! I chose the white one. I punk'd a lot of people since a good majority of my friends were convinced I chose the blue one. Still, they all thought I looked nice. Although I cannot speak for everybody, I had an amazing time at prom. I went to my friend's house for more pictures after this one was taken, then we drove to another friend's house for more pictures, then that friend drove all of us (there was another friend and her date in the car) to the place where our prom was being held. Everyone looked so beautiful in their dresses and tuxes, and nobody was being catty and the atmosphere was positive and lively. The food was really good, and so was the cake. The DJ could have played fewer rap songs, but I sort of expected that. I danced with several guys - most of them had dates but didn't seem to care that they were dancing with me. Prom ended at eleven thirty, and we went back to my second friend's house so we could get changed for post prom and all drive separately to the high school. Post prom was all right, even though I spent more time eating and less time doing the activities. I didn't get home until almost 4:30, and I was out within minutes.

The Monday and Tuesday following prom were nice, because I was still receiving compliments about how pretty I looked in my dress. On Wednesday I met with a PSEOP person at BGSU, and I should be finding out today whether or not I made it into their English Department for next year. Yesterday was our reading auction at school, and even though I didn't get the things I wanted, I did receive a lot of fun and random things, which was more fun winning with my little mafia than trying to win it alone. I also got a haircut last night. It is a lot shorter, but I like it, and I hope my friends like it, too. I am now doing a project for somebody, although the individual is not aware of it, but it's going to require a lot of time, and that is what I will be doing most of today, along with cleaning the house. I look forward to it.

That is all.

Thank you and good day.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Punk and Circumstance

Many things have happened between my last post and this post. For starters, I came down with some type of stomach bug the Monday after the Chicken Barbecue and missed school on Tuesday. By Wednesday I found out that the person playing the main character's mother in Bang, Bang, You're Dead quit the show, and I was now the mom. Opening night was last night, and it ran pretty smooth. I have two shows today, and then I'll be done with Drama Club productions for the rest of this school year.

However, I am now also doing the community theatre summer musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I'm a wife, but I'm not sure if I have a husband or not. We still need more brothers... I've been trying to convince Adam to do it, but he's worried that he's going to be too busy looking for a job to do a musical.

Speaking of Adam... between seventh period and ninth period yesterday, he decided to let Laine shave his head except for one row and gel his hair into spikes to get a sweet-looking Mohawk. Now, I have nothing against people who shave their heads, I mean, it's their hair, not mine. Adam can do whatever the hell he wants with his hair... it just, well... shocked me to see his hair look like that after not seeing him for an entire period. I'm pretty sure he knew I was a little pissed about it, and now I feel like a bitch for overreacting. Just to show my brothers and parents what he did, I took a picture of him and his "New Kid" haircut:

Dammit, Adam! I told him I'd get used to it, but he said he was going to shave it off by the time he was going to graduate this afternoon. Hence the title of this post is "Punk and Circumstance." I wonder how many people would hire him because of his hair... he's still looking for a job. I hope he finds one, since he needs the money. I did apply for a job myself, but then I found out the owner of the restaurant is a drug dealer... so if they ever call me, I'm not taking the job. But I'm sure I could get a lot more money working there... no, my parents won't let me get the job. So now I have to look for another job, hopefully close to home.

On a final note, prom is next weekend. Although I do not have a date, and as much as I wish I could have asked that certain someone to the dance, I'm sure I will still have fun and still feel like the prettiest girl there. And then you will all find out which dress I got... can you guess?

That is all.

Thank you and good day.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Change in Me

To recap the last two weekends, both went very well.

State Conference was very much enjoyable, despite one of our cast members getting a concussion near the end of the first act of our show. The audience who came to see us was whooping and and hollering the entire time, even when the techies came out, so we knew we were entertaining them well. At the end we received a standing ovation. The Hunt was a huge success! I hope we made our director proud, even though she was extremely pissed that she missed the second act of show, as she was with Eric in the hospital. Eric was fine, and by Monday, things were fairly back to normal.

Beauty and the Beast went very well also. Opening night was fairly nerve-wracking, along with the other openings the next three nights, but I've heard nothing but compliments about the show. I think this production was the first time I'd get extremely nervous right before every single show. Usually after opening night I'm fine, but this show was different. I think the best thing about the weekend altogether was the Sunday show - no rubber chickens!! We didn't change anything! Oh, if only my mother had been there to see that we had STOPPED a tradition. After last year's musical she refused to ever come to a Sunday show... perhaps next year she'll change her mind. If we keep this new tradition going, that is...

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were my three days of grace. My three days of absolutely nothing in the evening, eating freshly made food with the family, and doing absolutely nothing after supper. It felt so weird to be home. Before those three days home had merely become a place to sleep and occasionally eat. Now that I was actually there, during daylight hours, with all the family members awake, it felt odd yet brought back many memories, from before my life became a fast-moving train of craziness.

It's not that I got nothing productive done over those three days; I actually got many things accomplished. For example, I finally got a sign made for Mr. Phan. And I made thank-you cards for the student music teachers to go along with their presents (that Mom paid for and wrapped, of course). That was my main goal, and I got it accomplished. I could've gotten some things on my research paper done, or worked on my chemistry or math, but I found it hard to concentrate. Maybe it was the weather warming up, or the fact that in less than two months school would finally be over. Whatever the case, I got very little done in my classes involving numbers this week. It just felt so nice to not have to go anywhere to please anybody or to give my one-hundred percent and be told that it wasn't enough. I needed a break, since my last break between shows was from the time we finished striking the set of Anne of Green Gables at 6PM on a Sunday evening, to The Hunt auditions the next day at 3PM. I deserved a break after doing two shows that were very heavy on the ensemble. I deserved some days of grace. And those were my three days of grace.

Now I'm back. Back in the chaos. Thursday night there was a Thespian meeting, and as much as I was hoping we'd cancel the Thespian show... we didn't. Some seniors felt that their last year would "suck" if they didn't do another show. Despite the fact that we had six seniors direct the One Acts shows, despite the fact that the seniors got to do a fall show (Alice in Wonderland), despite the fact that the seniors participated in the first production ever of an originally-written play done by our very director AND we took that play to the OHIO STATE THESPIAN CONFERENCE and performed in on the SATURDAY SLOT on the MAIN STAGE (which is pretty much the highest honor anyone can receive), they still felt that the year would suck if we didn't do a Thespian show. So now we're doing Bang! Bang! You're Dead in just two weeks, and I'm (thankfully) just a chorus member. Rehearsals are beginning on Monday, and luckily they're only from 4-6, which means I can still come home and eat with the family while the food is still hot from the oven. I just hope this show will be worth it in the end.

Yesterday was probably the best day of the year so far. Nothing special or exciting even really happened (minus the earthquake that rocked the Midwest and I think awoke me at 5:40 in the morning), but I just felt really good about myself. My self-esteem was pretty high yesterday. Maybe it was because I was wearing green flip-flops, or a green shirt, or a strapless bra, but whatever the case, I just felt... well, awesome. I gave Mr. Phan his parting gift, since yesterday was technically his last day. He adored the Spongebob wrapping paper (which he carefully unwrapped), and the card I made even more. But he really liked the gift I picked out for him, so he couldn't have been happier. Then I gave him his own sign, and that just made his day. It's now in the band room, just like Mr. Landry's sign once hung in the choir room.

I also gave Mr. Landry his gift yesterday. He was also very careful about unwrapping the Spongebob paper, and even more careful about the box that had the gift inside. He liked the card, and the gift, and the edible gifts, so I was pretty happy that he appreciated our family thinking of him. He gave me a hug, which I gladly gave back, and then went home.

Only to go to the elementary school to pick up my brothers and then drive to Toledo to go shopping with my mother. I was still in high spirits, so when Mom paid for my clothes, I wore something I never thought I'd ever see myself wear... pink. A plaid pink skirt, with a light pink shirt under a darker pink shirt. Complete with a rhinestone pink headband, pink sandals (both items courtesy of my sister), and pink nails. I think I've truly lost my mind. Or maybe I've changed. I seem to be a lot happier about myself these days, and I'm even happier when a certain somebody talks to me. It shows he acknowledges my existence, which is always nice for a guy to do. I've started drinking coffee again because of him, and I'm wearing pink of my own free will. I'm not sure if he inspired me to wear pink but... there's been a change in me. I like him, a lot, maybe if he realizes it, he might like me too... but I highly doubt anything will happen. Nothing can happen right now, at least for another year. Maybe if he's still single and stays around the area, and I stay single and wait a very long time... who knows? It could happen.

On a final note, we had our chicken barbecue today to raise money for the music boosters. I felt very satisfied with jazz band, very content with women's choir, decent for chorale and fairly well for concert band. And now I am tired, and would like to earn some sleep at some point.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Break: An Overly Committed High School Teenager's Story

To put it in simple terms, I pretty much wasted my spring break.

The only time I was home for a solid twenty-four hours was the Monday after Easter. I can no longer remember what I did the Saturday before Easter, but on Easter Sunday itself our family went to the eastern part of the state to celebrate with relatives. It was actually very nice. The Monday after I stayed at home and did absolutely nothing except listen to the petty arguments between my brothers over some GameBoy dispute. I did call Kelly and asked her when she was available to make the sign. We decided to wait until Friday.

Tuesday I went to the high school and helped paint the castle among other things. Surprisingly it was a pretty good turn out. Even though my hair suffered a little wind blowing, it felt nice to just come to school in a T-shirt and sweats, which ended up covered in paint by the end of the day.

Wednesday I returned to the high school and repainted the stairs to the castle, only to have to repaint them again four hours later. I left the school very angry and drove around the block before pulling into my driveway, where my brothers began to beat on the car windows, singing Beatles songs at the top of their lungs. Only a few short hours later I was back at the high school for rehearsal for The Hunt, as we will be performing this in front of an audience of 1,000 or so at State Conference this coming weekend. All in all, the rehearsal went pretty well.

Thursday my sister and I went to a four hour rehearsal of Beauty and the Beast, and then I rushed home to frost cookies before heading to a surprise birthday party for Mr. Phan, the student choir teacher. The plan was a success, as well as the cookies my mom and I made. I would've made them myself, but my cooking tends to turn people away from food rather than bring them to food. I was able to get home by midnight in freezing rain and snow.

Friday morning I went prom dress shopping with my mother... and my sister and brothers. After trying on four different dresses, I narrowed it down to these two.

The first one here is a very elegant dress. The little dots you see are black and silver, and I love the white, even though I promised myself I wouldn't wear a white dress until my wedding day. My sister liked how it gave my figure shape and didn't make me look fat. There was also this dress here.

This dress really brought out my eyes and made me look really slim. I loved the various shades of blue. Alissa and Brian both thought it very nice on me. Trevor refused to comment on any of the dresses I wore because none of them had straps. I thought it was cute that he was looking out for his big sister. One of the dresses gave me the fear of pulling a "wardrobe malfunction", and since they didn't have another one in a smaller size, I went with the other dress. But I'm not even going to tell my readers (if any) which dress I got until after prom night. It's a wait-and-see game, and everyone will have to wait to see what dress I will be donning on May 10, 2008.

Friday afternoon Kelly, her boyfriend Jordan, and I finally got together and made the sign for Mr. Landry, the student band teacher. The good news is it's almost complete with just a few more details. The bad news is that the spray paint soaked through the fabric and onto the concrete area where we made the sign... which was at one of the elementary schools. Kelly and I are extremely worried that we are going to get in trouble for putting graffiti that reads "We <3 Mr. Landry!" on school property, but Jordan doesn't appear worried. As long as we don't get caught (and I have a feeling that eventually we will be) everything should be fine.

Yesterday I returned to the high school to help rebuild the set for The Hunt so we could practice setting up and taking apart the set in an hour when we actually go to state. I lifted many heavy platforms, and today my shoulders are paying the price. Tomorrow our school goes back into session, and we begin fourth quarter. This weekend I will be at State Conference for Thespians at Ashland University, the weekend after I will be performing as a chorus member in Beauty and the Beast. The weekend after... who knows? All I know is that chaos lies ahead, and I must prepare for rough waters.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break: The Epitome of the Second Semester

I really do not think there is nothing a high school student looks more forward to in the second semester than spring break.

Despite I still have homework to keep myself busy over the next week, I do have a few plans for my time off from school, which involves making a huge sign with Kelly and a few of my other friends to top the choir kids. It's a rather long story, and I don't want to go any further into the subject.

In other news, I am happy to say that I am the SSO representative of the Northwest Ohio Area. I was informed on St. Patrick's Day, and the luck of the Irish must have really been with me that day. I'm very pleased with myself and look forward to having an even crazier life over the next year. Don't worry, I'll make it through... hopefully with a small bit of sanity still clutched to me.

I also saw The Lion King a second time with my family last Sunday. It's even more exhilarating the second time around. The night before I had a friend go backstage after the show to have the cast sign a poster of his that his aunt bought him. At the same time, his great uncle bought a copy of the same poster, unaware that his wife had gotten one already. Long story short, my friend gave me the other poster. I could not have been more grateful to him, and I will miss him terribly when he graduates.

Graduation. I still have another year until I have the privilege of donning the famous cap and wearing the robe while I go to shake hands of authoritative figures and grab my high school diploma. Every year I get one step closer. After this school year, I'll be a senior. As scary as the thought sounds, and as heartbreaking as it is to watch all of my friends older than I am graduate, I must remember this: Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Things to Look Forward To

It's been a while since I updated, but since nobody knows I have a blog site, it doesn't really matter.

Well, I did see Lion King that Wednesday night. To put it in easy terms, it was amazing. I felt like a child as I watched the entire show from start to finish, getting very excited at literally everything. The night got even better, but I'd rather keep that moment of true kindness to myself for now... at least for now, that is.

Tomorrow I will be seeing the Lion King again, this time with my family. I cannot stress enough how wonderful a production these people have put on. If any of you fellow bloggers have the chance of seeing the Lion King on tour, SEE IT! It is definitely worth the money, without a doubt worth it!

Spring break is also approaching within the week. I will be celebrating my Easter in the eastern part of Ohio with family, since my grandfather would rather have his Mexican girlfriend's family over than his own. Nevertheless, I will still get to see my cousins, and it will be a blast, especially with food.

In a few more weeks, I will be at the State Thespian conference at Ashland University, where our drama club will be performing The Hunt in front of an audience that seats almost 2,000.
I'm trying not to feel intimidated yet. The week after our music department will be putting on Beauty and the Beast at our high school. Although rehearsals seem to be more of a pee-on than anything right now, I have faith that we will do our best... except for our Sunday show... I don't want to talk about it.

That is all.

Thank you and good day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Excitement of No School

I am very pleased to say that due to five inches of snow and some ice, our school, along with many in the area, is closed today. That is pretty awesome. Despite that we will now be making up at least one school day in June, I really could care less right now.

I have a lot to look forward to today, and many good things have happened in recent days. On Sunday I was inducted in the International Thespian Society, which was a very good event and is a huge honor to be a part of. Tonight, grant the weather will cooperate, I will be attending the performance of "The Lion King" at the Stranahan. I can not wait.

Next week the juniors and seniors have a 2-hr delay schedule all week because the freshmen and sophomores will be taking the required Ohio Graduation Test. Another thing I cannot wait for. The week after will be our last week before spring break. So many things I cannot wait for, but I'll have to. Because that's what life is about; waiting for the best things.

That is all.

Thank you and good day.

Monday, February 18, 2008

One Quick Breath of Calmness

Many things have happened since I last posted. Most of them good. A few of them not so good.

First off, my detention has been revoked. Since there were no books in my bag at the time of the announcement, I had no reason to serve my detention, so it was simply ripped up. That was good to hear.

Also, after many weeks of hard work, our drama club production was screened to fill in the highest ranked time slot at the state conference in April. I could not be more pleased with ourselves.

Saturday night I made some very poor choices on my part, some of it involving the police, most of it involving breaking curfew by ten minutes. My parents could not be more disappointed in me. It wasn't until afterwards that I asked myself what the hell was I thinking, because all I wanted to do was help my friends. My parents told me not to do that if cops have them pulled over.

Today was open house at BGSU. My mother and I attended and acquired a lot of information. I've somewhat narrowed down my choices to what I want to do now, but I'm still not sure. I still have time.

In other news, the writers' strike has finally come to an end after a three month period of fighting the Man known to them as the AMPTP. I'm very excited to have good television shows come back on instead of the reality television that seems to be spreading like cancer through public TV.

Besides the above mentioned, I'm trying to get my grades back up before the end of third quarter, especially math. I'm being tutored tomorrow, and hopefully it will work.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fighting the Man

Today I was given a detention. A detention for probably the dumbest reason for a detention to be given: I carry around a big bag.

In the student handbook, it states that no book bags are to be carried around in school. You are allowed to carry a bag, but the bag cannot contain any books. That's how I've gotten through the school year so far. Until today. During my English class today, I was trying to finish reading The Scarlet Letter when the principal came on the air. He told the teachers to write up all the students who had big bags. In under five minutes, six of the eight kids in my class, myself included, held the golden ticket, the student's portion of the detention slip. "This is bullshit," I said aloud, but quiet enough that the English teacher didn't hear me. "We get a detention for carrying around bags but nobody gets a detention for wearing sweatpants (sweatpants are considered a violation of the school dress code)." Before leaving the classroom my teacher said, "Fight the Man." And it stuck with me.

Apparently I wasn't the only one pissed off about the ordeal. At least half the school received a detention from my understanding because of this sudden enforcement of a school rule that hadn't been enforced so far this year. When a group of us girls approached the Man about the issue, he stated anyone who had a book bag would be given a detention. At the time of the announcement I had no books in my bag, only two binders and a magazine. I felt extremely grateful that I cleaned out my bag over the weekend when searching for my Girls' State papers (which I failed to fill out on time). Now I was angry. I still am to an extent. My friend and I confronted the Man after school to fight him about this, and he said he could argue for us tomorrow to see whether or not we deserved our detention. I cannot help but feel like I am going on trial tomorrow, and my case is the only thing that will prove me guilty or not guilty. So now I need to prove my point so that I can fight the Man and win.

In other news, my hometown had a bit of a flood over the weekend. I drove through town and took pictures with my cell phone. Let's see if I can post my favorites up.

The day before this was a detour for thru traffic. Almost ironic... almost.

Front Street, downtown area. I was actually standing on a large dry area in between the floodwaters to take this picture.

Second Street's point of view of the downtown flooding. I slipped on the hill as I walked down to take this pic. Be grateful.

This road intersects with the first picture at the top. This is my road I live on, just two miles from my house. The first pic and this one made it on the news to my understanding. Wished I saw it.

That appears to be it for now. If you'll excuse me, I have a case to build for myself.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

In Between Two Moments of Chaos Lies Contentment

For the most part right now, life isn't too bad.

I love my friends, I'm pretty sure they love me, and other than my parents being disappointed in me, I have little to complain about. Let's just say a certain subject that involves numbers is pulling me down as always. Can you guess it? As usual, the bosses at home can't seem to get it through their heads that sometimes it's the teacher's fault that the student isn't doing well, not the student. God forbid a teacher can't teach - or so my mother thinks. Somehow I'll pull through, whether it's through tutoring or attempting to teach myself, I'll find a way.

Honors Choir went very well. This morning I had solo and ensemble. I received a superior rating on my vocal solo. I'm proud of myself, I must say. If I receive another superior rating next year, then I'll have four straight years of superior ratings. But that will have to wait until next year.

In other news, the performance weekend for The Hunt is rapidly approaching. I have all of my lines memorized... now I must gather my costume accessories. In a few weeks I will also have to be fitted into costumes for the spring musical, Beauty and the Beast. We've already begun blocking for the opening number; I play the Aristocratic Lady. I like to think of her as the rich bitch. I think I will enjoy portraying her as we progress into the show. So far she's a very complex and catty chorus member. I wonder what kitchen appliance I will be for "Be Our Guest"...

Before I leave, I would like to leave a link for any readers I may have to listen to a song I performed with the District 1 Honors Choir. It is called "Omnia Sol." Although this is not the choir I performed in, we sang this and it is probably the most beautiful piece I've ever heard. Just click here.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Quarantine Me, Please!

My flu has been lifted for the most part.

I swear the school is what is keeping me sick. These past two mornings I've woken up and felt great; the moment I step into the school I'm back to coughing and having a runny nose. Everybody's sick right now and there's no way around it. At school right now, for every ten kids, only one of them is completely healthy. No one can escape the flu epidemic in a community as tightly-knit as ours. As a joke I suggested we shut down the school to sanitize everything. No one of high authority took me seriously.

This weekend I have Honors Choir rehearsal, and then the performance for the Honors Festival will be held at the Stranahan on Sunday. Last night was our first rehearsal. Already I've run into people from other districts I know and am friends with. The one choir director really bothered me, though. He looked like a thirteen-year old trying to look like he's thirty, and he was only about five feet tall. That and whenever he spoke, I'd ask myself if I'd be able to tell the difference between him and a Munchkin from the land of Oz if I ever ran into him on the street.

In other news, it's been 30 years since the infamous blizzard of '78. I obviously wasn't around to know how that went over, but from the media and my parents' stories, I can get a good concept of it.

You know what would be fun? Going to a taping of Conan O'Brien. I'm not sure if I'd do it now, since I support the WGA, but I'm sure that once the strike is over the famed Late Night talkshow host is saying adios to the beard. As odd as it sounds, I'm finding the beard very sexy right now. KEEP IT, CONAN!! Not that he reads this, or anybody for that matter...

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Thursday was Red Carpet Day.

As I had reported earlier, I thought about dressing up as a striking writer. On Monday night I worked on my picket sign. Wednesday night I was up till 11 looking for my Writer's Digest T-shirt that my dad gave to me. Today I carried around my picket sign and wore the shirt. At some point I will post up the picture here. Much to my surprise, few people understood what I was going for. When I told them I was on strike in support for the WGA, their reaction was mostly, "There's a strike going on?"

Well, duh of course there is a strike! Does nobody notice when their favorite television shows
go into reruns for over two and a half months?! That's because the AMPTP are being complete assholes and won't give the writers what they deserve! Did anybody watch the People's Choice Awards? Of course not, it was pointless! The writer's are the heart of the movies and shows; without them, the rest simply die. That is exactly what is happening to television right now... it's dying.

I've had serious thoughts of becoming a writer when I grow up. But if I'm not receiving pay from Internet sales that I know I deserve some share of the profit from them, then I better pick up a new skill... but I'm not talented enough in anything else. So what do I do now?

In other news, what was supposed to be a fun day today turned out to be the opposite. It seems I have some kind of flu, and I feel horrible. I was supposed to be hanging out with my friends at this awesome conference and then go to the winter homecoming later on tonight with my date. I'm too sick to leave the house, but my friends promised me they'd call me so that I could dance with my date via cell phones. It's kindness like that when I know I have the greatest friends in the world...

That is all.

Thank you and goodnight.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Light in the Darkness

So things around here have been a lot better now.

Mom's still in a lot of pain but that's because she had her stint pulled out today. Her surgery on Friday went very well, and she's been doped up on pain meds for over a week. She's trying to reach her goal of going back to work by tomorrow, but with the way she's acting I'm doubtful she'll be able to.

In stupid math news, I got a C on my exam (I was damn lucky because I got a 10% extra credit for doing a studyguide), so as far as I am concerned, I can still drive. Thank God!! Now I have a whole new semester to worry about, but hey, at least half of the year is already over, so I should be able to pull through the next semester.

In other news, this week this what's known at our school as Spirit week. Each day students can dress up according to the theme of the day to get pepped up for Friday night's homecoming game. Today was Pajama/Sports Day (which I totally dressed up in PJ's). Tomorrow is Incognito Day; I want to wear a paper bag over my head, but my parents won't let me drive to the store just to get a stupid paper bag. Wednesday is Eskimo Day, which I am not participating in since I have nothing Eskimo-related whatsoever. Thursday is red carpet day. I will be carrying around a Writer's Strike picketing sign that I am currently working on. Friday is traditional Spirit Day, in which we wear our school colors:- orange, black, and white- in whatever fashion tickles your fancy. I usually just wear a school shirt and PJ bottoms, but I'm trying to get more festive. Saturday is the winter homecoming dance. I'm going with somebody, but since he's gay it is strictly just a friend thing. I still love him, though, as a friend. It's amazing who you can become friends with in high school...

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


These past few days have worried me a lot.

Starting with my mother's health. Dad took her to the ER late Sunday night, and she just came home this afternoon, but has to go back again on Friday. I stayed up until 2:30 Monday morning, almost keeping vigil as I waited for my dad to call and tell me she would be all right. It wasn't until about 3:50 when I finally received the call in the middle of my sleep. My mom has two kidney stones, so she's getting them broken up on Friday. But while I lay in bed in those early hours, I cried on and off, thinking of the worst, praying for the best. I asked God to help Mom through this, and to help me help her. I think He listened.

Today I took my math exam. It was what I like to call "a suicide test." A kind of test that makes me want to go commit suicide because my brain can no longer seem to function properly since I stared at a bunch of numbers and pointless equations for an hour and a half. I didn't even finish the entire test, and half of it I BS'd so I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up having my driver's license taken away by the end of next week.

On a more positive note, the weather in my area of Ohio is in the fifties, which is anything but normal this time of year. I kind of like it like this, except for the high winds and the rain. That I could do without.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Inner Bitch

I have a theory. Although I'm not really sure I can prove it, I still believe in it.

My theory is that every female is a bitch and every guy is an ass.

I think that no matter how sweet or courteous you may be on the exterior, you have an inner bitch or an inner ass deep inside you that occasionally comes out into the spotlight at some unexpected moment. Some of us show our bitchy or jackass side all the time, whereas others try to hide it from the world, convinced they don't have one or will never reveal it. Be honest: we've all done or said some rather inappropriate things. Is that just being yourself? Or is that the evil side of you showing its colors? I feel reminded of Star Wars when I think of these things...

In English we've been reading excerpts from a book called "Nineteen Minutes." My teacher said the second half of the book is rather inappropriate for our age, so she's just copying things out of the first half. We've been getting into some rather deep and thought-provoking conversations since we got back to school yesterday after reading these excerpts. Yesterday we were talking about how in life, everybody is playing multiple roles during the day. When I'm in class, I play the role of the student and act how I believe a student should behave. With friends, I act out the part of being what I consider a good friend: funny, caring, and occasionally a smart-ass. At home with my family, I play the "leave-me-alone" sister and the "you still treat me like I've five but I'll deal with it because I'm not good at making comebacks" daughter. Right now I'm playing the blogger, writing down my thoughts and being kind to fellow bloggers who may comment me or I may comment on their blogs. We are always playing a role; my question is, are we ever really ourselves?

My inner bitch is telling me I have better things to do online, plus I'm tired and have a weekend of studying for exams to do, so I will end my entry here.

That is all.

Thank you and good night.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Day Away From Stepping Back into Routine

Tomorrow is our first day back at school from break.


It's not that I don't enjoy visiting with my friends and most of my teachers. It's just the thought of having to wake up early to face the day before the crack of dawn that bothers me. Studies have proven (correct me if I'm wrong) that teenagers and young adults have the tendency to want to wake up later since their body clocks are pushing them to stay up later. Even with scientific evidence, I'm not sure that my mother, nor my school principal, will accept that as an excuse.

I also have to go back to math class. Oh, math: Satan's favorite subject. Maybe it's because I don't understand numbers, or the teacher's poor methods of educating us into trying to understand it, but I have not cared for math since I was 7 years old. Somehow my parents say it's my fault that I hate math and if I would just take the time to try and learn it, then I would be doing better than I am now. I do take the time to try; that's what a whole 40-minute period is for! Mom has been pushing me to try and see my math teacher during one of my free periods. I already have to sit in that class and listen to that man for 40 minutes; I really don't want to exceed that limit! Luckily first semester is almost over, and exams are next week. With great reluctance I decided to skip my chemistry exam instead of math. With any luck I just might raise my math grade a little bit... but I doubt it.

On a final note, my New Year celebrations went pretty well. I made 5 resolutions (all of which I'm bound to fail) and hopefully I can keep them in mind as I begin the new year. The main one on my mind is to find a prom date. There's nobody at my school that I'm willing to take with me to the dance (mostly because most of them are douche bags to begin with), but I do have somebody in mind. Unfortunately I have only actually talked to the person once in my life, and I have no way of contacting him at this moment. Somehow I must find a way... I still have time...

That is all.

Thank you and good night.